Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New year + new blog = more fun?

With the new year, I've decided to get a new and more fun blog to keep me motivated and actually keep blogging.

There's a number of reasons why the old blog "dragana-peter.bloggagratis.se" hasn't been updated much lately:

- The blog forum labels are in Swedish only, thus making it unecessarily difficult for non Swedish speakers & readers to follow.

- Limited & cumbersome feature set. You can't add cool things like counters and surveys etc.

- I've been working way toooo much in November & December to have any energy to blog in between working, training & hangin' with the wife...

- I've been 'half injured...' and thus haven't been able to train like I want to. Motivation to train dwindled a bit in December... Feel a little bit better now though, so Game On!

Hopefully this new & more featuire rich blog forum will keep the updates coming on a more frequent basis.

As soon as I have written it, I will post a summary of the 2008 season as well as the goals & schedule for 2009!